Stimulus-Check Editorial Guidelines

At Stimulus-Check, our editorial guidelines apply to all content we produce. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of accuracy, integrity, and transparency

Our commitment is to provide our audience with reliable information, and we will never knowingly mislead or deceive our readers. Every piece of content is carefully vetted and fact-checked to ensure that our reporting is truthful and unbiased, always maintaining the trust and confidence of our audience.

Stimulus-Check Code of Conduct 

At Stimulus-Check our journalists are committed to a strict code of conduct based on the principles of ethical journalism that we follow. This code is designed to ensure that our reporting is in line with our mission statement and that it is always trustworthy, impartial and beneficial to our readers and society. 


Our journalists operate free from external pressures, whether from advertisers, sponsors, or political interests. We maintain complete editorial independence to ensure that our content serves our readers, not external agendas.

High Quality:

We are committed to producing high-quality journalism that meets the highest standards of professionalism. Every piece of content is thoroughly researched, carefully written, and rigorously edited to ensure it meets our high standards.


Our reporting is characterized by thoroughness and attention to detail. We verify facts, cross-check sources, and strive for completeness in every story we cover, ensuring that our readers receive accurate and reliable information.

Ideological Neutrality:

We approach every story with an objective mindset, free from personal or political bias. Our goal is to present information in a balanced and impartial manner, allowing our readers to form their own informed opinions.


Fairness is central to our reporting. We give all parties involved in a story the opportunity to share their perspectives and ensure that our coverage is equitable and just.

Service to Society:

Our work is driven by a commitment to the public good. We aim to inform, educate, and empower our readers, helping them navigate complex issues and make informed decisions that positively impact their lives.

Commitment to Accuracy:

Accuracy is the cornerstone of our journalism. We take great care to ensure that every fact, figure, and statement is correct, and we promptly correct* any errors that may occur.

*See also Corrections Policy. 


Verification of Facts 

At Stimulus-Check, in line with our editorial policy and code of conduct based on the principles of ethical journalism, our journalists are committed to verifying and corroborating the facts upon which their articles are based on. 

Each journalist, identified in the articles they publish (see Byline Policy), conducts thorough investigations to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. They use original sources, such as government publications, official statements, and verified data. They also rely on known experts to provide context. This process includes posing questions for experts, seeking out supporting documents, and cross-referencing sources to verify the authenticity of every detail. Journalists meticulously check and contrast the gathered information, consulting specific sources relevant to each story. 


Anonymous sources 

At Stimulus-Check, we reserve the right to use anonymous sources where necessary and are committed to protecting their identities. However, we believe in providing our readers with as much context as possible to help them understand the source’s credibility and position.

To maintain journalistic integrity and trust, we adhere to the following guidelines when using anonymous sources:


We will provide readers with relevant information about the anonymous source’s status and why anonymity is necessary, without compromising the source’s identity.


We do not rely solely on a single anonymous source for stories involving serious allegations that cannot be independently confirmed, except under the following conditions:


– Public Interest: The information is of significant public interest.

– Credibility: The source is known to be credible, reliable, and in a position to have direct knowledge of the events in question.

– Balanced Reporting: A response to the allegations has been sought from those involved, ensuring that all sides of the story are considered.


Separation of advertising and editorial contents 

Stimulus-Check’s first duty is to its readers and accordingly it is independent of its advertisers. We are committed to maintaining a clear distinction between editorial and commercial content. All sponsored content, native advertising, or affiliate links will be clearly labeled as such.

Editorial decisions, including what stories to cover and how they are reported, will never be influenced by advertisers or sponsors. 

Furthermore, we will not accept advertising that compromises the integrity, fairness, or objectivity of our editorial content


Corrections policy

At Stimulus-Check we consider that errors should be corrected as quickly as possible, as a vital part of our commitment to accuracy and journalistic integrity. Accordingly, we view the right of readers to request corrections as a core principle of credible journalism. Any reader who believes that information published by Stimulus-Check is inaccurate can contact us to request a correction.

Each request will be carefully evaluated, and if an error is found, it will be corrected as swiftly as possible.

If you wish to request a correction, please get in touch with us at


Byline policy 

At Stimulus-Check each journalist signs each of their own articles. Bylines are a stamp of authenticity and quality, indicating to the reader exactly who wrote the article they are reading. 

In today’s internet dominated landscape, in which anonymous information circulates widely without control, news articles backed up by a byline are a sign of quality and an exercise in responsibility. 

Where two or more journalists have materially contributed to an article, each will include their byline on the article. 

Anonymous bylines are only permitted where the safety of the journalist or a source could be at risk. Such cases are reviewed by the editorial board. 

Our bylines are more than just names; they represent the integrity and responsibility of our journalists and our reporting. All our journalists are expected to adhere to the highest journalistic standards; their byline is their guarantee that each article meets these standards. 

Equally, Stimulus-Check recognizes that our bylines are an important asset for the site, and we take care to ensure their quality and diversity. 



At Stimulus-Check we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that respects and values diverse perspectives, ensuring that our content reflects the wide range of voices in our society. Our goal is to create a platform where all individuals, regardless of background, can feel represented and heard.


Use of material from internet and social media 

At Stimulus-Check we may use material from the internet and from social media, including embedded social media posts, video and other media, where we feel it benefits the reader and provides additional information and context. Such third-party content will always be clearly indicated as being from outside Stimulus-Check. We take care to only feature content that we believe to be accurate 

Additionally, we link to third party website where we believe those are credible and useful to our readers. We may link to third party websites which give a one-sided view of a matter (such as a political party) but will always endeavor to explain where the link is taking the reader, so they can use their judgement and understand the context of the link. 


Use of language

At Stimulus-Check, we commit to using appropriate and respectful language in all our reporting. Strong or offensive language will only be used when directly quoting someone, and only if it is essential for understanding the context of the story.