The average annual salary for bookkeepers in the United States as of March 2025 is about $45,591. Backup confirmation of this varies from state to state and sometimes even city to city, depending on work experience, specific location, and job duties. Here are examples of salaries:
Hourly rates:
- According to Indeed, the average hourly wage for a bookkeeper is $22.77.
- ZipRecruiter reports an average hourly rate of $24.31, with most bookkeepers earning between $19.7
1 and $27.64 per hour.
Annual salaries:
- Bookkeepers earn an average annual income of $46,805, according to, with entry-level applications getting started at $39,000 and experienced workers raking in as much as $62,400.
- According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks were paid an average salary of $47,440 in the year ending May 2023.
Variations by location:
Salaries can be different depending on the different geographic locations. Thus, bookkeepers in California, New York, Minnesota, and Washington receive higher pay than in other states.
Read more: What are the highest paying summer jobs?
Additional compensation:
Some sources, such as Glassdoor, report higher total compensation figures. For example, the estimated total pay for a bookkeeper is $65,344 per year, with an average salary of $55,357.
These numbers may include additional forms of compensation like bonuses, profit sharing, or commissions.
Beyond salary, bookkeepers often receive benefits such as dental insurance, 401(k) plans, paid time off, vision insurance, life insurance, paid holidays, disability insurance, paid vacation, paid sick time, health insurance, and retirement plans.
It’s important to note that these figures can vary based on individual qualifications, employer policies, and regional economic conditions.