How much does it cost to study at Columbia University in 2025?

Estimated total cost of attending Columbia University during the 2024-2025 academic year is $93,417

When preparing to go to college, students and their families have to factor in the cost of attendance. Columbia University, as lovely as it is with a higher education, has extremely precise cost of attendance projections in 2024-2025 and extremely robust financial aid packages for student assistance from different economic statuses.

Estimated cost of attendance for 2024-2025

The estimated total cost of attending Columbia University during the 2024-2025 academic year is $93,417. The breakdown includes:

  • Tuition and Fees: $71,170
  • New Student Fees: $675
  • Housing and Food: $17,580
  • Books, Personal Expenses, and Transportation: $3,992

These are used as a guide to determine eligibility for financial aid, but the actual costs can vary. The estimated cost of food and housing is for a first-year student living on campus for the full school year. Off-campus students or non-first-year students can be an extra expense.

Financial aid and support initiatives

Columbia University strives towards making quality education affordable and available. Columbia has a variety of financial aid programs, such as grants and scholarships, so no fees should be a hindrance for worthy candidates.

The fundamental features of the financial aid plan of Columbia are:

  • Free tuition education: Candidates from households whose annual income level is below $150,000 (maintaining reasonable assets) are entitled to study in Columbia without charges.
  • Important awards of financial aid: Nearly half of Columbia’s incoming first-year students are awarded university grants averaging $76,265.
  • Pell Grant recipients: Nearly 24% of incoming first-year students are recipients of the Federal Pell Grant, which is an award for students of high need.
  • Start-Up grants: Low-income incoming first-year students are given a start-up grant of $2,000 to help them transition into college.
  • No loan policy: Bursaries included in students’ financial aid packages at Columbia are no loan, and therefore students are graduating debt-free.

Expected family contribution for students with family incomes ranging from $0 to $66,000 annually (average assets) is $0, keeping the financial cost even lower.

Student experiences and support

The affordability promise of the university is met by its students. Emily M., who is a resident of Los Angeles, CA, and is majoring in Mechanical Engineering with an additional minor in Earth and Environmental Engineering, says:

“I’m a low-income, first-generation, single-parent student, and having an institution that would support me and my family meant a lot to me. There are so many great opportunities and resources at Columbia, but so is the support. I truly believe that all of the staff and faculty care that students will be successful and will do all that they can to make it so.”

Besides, students are also provided with career development programs in order to help them in their career. 

Blessing U., Theatre and Education Studies student in Houston, TX, says:

“I was a Teaching Fellow with Breakthrough Houston, and the coverage of personal and living costs provided by the Center for Career Education’s Summer Funding Program made the whole experience all the more special.”

Planning for your education

Columbia University encourages students and families to utilize cost estimators on the university’s website prior to responsibly paying for education. The office of Educational Financing and Financial Aid works to assist families in developing an affordable plan for funding education so that cost is not a deterrent to accessing Columbia’s excellent courses of study.

Emem Ukpong
Emem Ukpong
Hello, I'm Emem Ukpong, a Content Writer at Stimulus Check. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry, and several professional certifications in Digital Marketing—where I piqued interest in content writing/marketing. My job as a writer isn't fueled by a love for writing, but rather, by my passion for solving problems and providing answers. With over two years of professional experience, I have worked with various companies to write articles, blog posts, social media content, and newsletters, across various niches. However, I specialize in writing and editing economic and social content. Currently, I write news articles and informational content for Stimulus Check. I collaborate with SEO specialists to ensure accurate information gets to the people looking for it in real-time. Outside of work, I love reading, as it relaxes and stimulates my mind. I also love to formulate skin care products—a fun way to channel my creativity and keep the scientist in me alive.

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