Experts close to Kamala Harris are pressing Trump to release his medical records: “He shows alarming features of declining mental acuity”

Kamala Harris and a group called Doctors for Harris has called for Donald Trump to release his medical records just like Kamala Harris did

Health and mental acuity of candidates in the forthcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election have evolved as critical focal points of discussion. Well, more than 230 doctors and healthcare professionals called recently for former President Donald Trump to release his medical records in their concern over his mental fitness for office. The call for transparency came just as Vice President Kamala Harris sought to contrast her health disclosures with Trump’s relative limited transparency.

The call for transparency

The letter, organized by a group called “Doctors for Harris,” emphasizes the need for greater transparency in the health disclosures of presidential candidates. The signatories to the letter say that, at the age of 78, voters deserve to understand the state of Trump’s health in as much detail as possible. They are concerned, they say, about what they describe as “alarming characteristics of declining acuity,” adding that Trump’s public appearances often offer a deeply concerning snapshot of his state of mind.

The letter makes it quite clear that, short of full health records being available, observers can rely only on the behaviors of Trump at rallies and public events. There is a trend of his making speeches that ramble and also uttering statements regarded as erratic, casting aspersions on his cognitive abilities. The doctors claim that as people continue to age, their mental sharpness often does dissipate, which they consider has been very much the case in Trump’s recent performances.

Kamala Harris’ health disclosure 

By contrast, Kamala Harris released her medical records, well explained in this article, Harris’ doctor reports she’s in ‘excellent health.’ Her campaign wants to draw a contrast with Trump. In a letter from her doctor, Dr. Joshua Simmons, Harris was reported as having the physical and mental stamina to be president. The report said her latest physical exam was “unremarkable,” which substantiated the narrative of her campaign.

Harris has used the disclosure usefully, even to dare Trump to follow suit. In interviews, she has made the contrast between their transparency over health clear, contrasting her openness with Trump’s comparative secrecy over the issue of releasing medical records. 

Political consequences

These health discussions couldn’t come at a more critical time, as both candidates hedge bets among voters in a highly competitive election cycle. To the Harris campaign, the contrast in their health disclosures presents an advantage, particularly among those voters who fear age and fitness for office.

It is here that Trump’s campaign has responded in all but a defensive manner, by insisting he was in “perfect and excellent health” and had maintained an aggressive campaign schedule. The claim has not dampened the questions raised by experts over his mental acuity.

Expert opinions on Trump’s mental acuity

A slew of mental health professionals weighed in on Trump’s cognitive state, in a state of alarm over signs of decline. Chris Christie, the former Governor of New Jersey and once an ally to Trump, reiterated how different Trump was since he first threw his hat into the ring for president in 2016. Christie said that though Trump remains physically vibrant, his ability to articulate thoughts coherently has diminished.

Dr. Ben Michaelis, a clinical psychologist who has performed cognitive evaluations for the New York Supreme Court, said of Trump: “That does not seem to be a person who is in a strong cognitive place.” Such comments have raised calls for independent cognitive testing of the two candidates ahead of the election.

The larger perspective

The lack of willingness on Trump’s part to disclose medical information in any detail invites unfavorable comparisons with presidential candidates who showed more transparency about their health. For example, John McCain did an exemplary record of health release during his 2008 run. If Trump is unwilling or unable to provide such transparency, it begs the question of his fitness for office and his ability to cope with the stresses inherent in the presidency.

Moreover, Trump’s campaign rhetoric frequently includes personal shots at Harris’s mental sharpness, saying she ought to take cognitive tests herself. The tactic forms part of a broad approach to divert attention from questions concerning his health to efforts aimed at destroying his opponent’s credibility.

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Jack Nimi
Jack Nimi
Nimi Jack is a distinguished graduate from the Department of Business Administration and Mass Communication at Nasarawa State University, Keffi. His academic background has equipped him with a robust understanding of both business principles and effective communication strategies, which he has effectively utilized in his professional career.Nimi Jack consistently works round the clock as a well versed Researcher staying true to legitimate resources to provide detailed information for readers' consumption. Helping readers sort through the shaft of unnecessary information and making it very accessible.As an author and content writer, with two short stories published under Afroconomy Books, Nimi has made significant contributions to various platforms, showcasing his ability to engage audiences through compelling narratives and informative content. His writing often reflects a deep understanding of contemporary issues, making him a respected voice in his field.

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