
Kamala Harris as President of the United States: how could it affect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

What would a Kamala Harris presidency mean for the social care elements of the Federal government?


On Sunday, Biden announced that he would be ending his bid for a second term in office and would back Vice President Kamala Harris to take the nomination. 

What would be the impact of Kamala Harris becoming the president of the United States? And how would her administration impact programs such as the Social Security Administration, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. These programs are important to millions of Americans as they serve as essential services. It is widely accepted that Harris’s vision would align with that of the current Biden administration.  

Harris’ presidency on Social Security

Social Security is a lifeline for many Americans, providing financial support to retirees, disabled individuals, and survivors. One of the critical challenges facing Social Security is the projected insolvency of its trust fund. The Biden-Harris administration has made commitments to protect and strengthen Social Security without cutting benefits. This commitment would likely continue under a Harris presidency.

To address the solvency issue, Harris might advocate for increased taxes on higher incomes, a strategy proposed by the Biden administration. This approach includes raising the payroll tax cap and ensuring that higher earners contribute more to the system. Additionally, there may be efforts to expand benefits, particularly for vulnerable populations such as widows, widowers, and low-income workers, aligning with current Democratic proposals​.

Harris’ presidency on Medicare

Medicare, the federal health insurance program for people aged 65 and older, as well as certain younger individuals with disabilities, is another area where significant changes could be expected. The Biden-Harris administration has already taken steps to extend the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, primarily through measures like increasing the Medicare tax rate on high earners and closing tax loopholes​.

A Harris administration might continue to build on these efforts, emphasizing the reduction of prescription drug costs through expanded negotiation powers for Medicare. Furthermore, policies to lower out-of-pocket expenses for beneficiaries, such as capping insulin costs, could be prioritized. These changes aim to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for seniors and other Medicare recipients​.

Harris’ presidency on Medicaid

Medicaid, which provides health coverage to low-income individuals and families, has seen several improvements under the current administration. Efforts have been made to streamline applications, reduce bureaucratic hurdles, and expand coverage through various state and federal initiatives​.

Harris’s approach to Medicaid would likely involve further expansion of Medicaid home and community-based services, reflecting her commitment to providing care for older adults and individuals with disabilities in their homes. Additionally, she might focus on increasing federal support for Medicaid, ensuring that states have the resources to cover more residents, particularly in light of ongoing healthcare needs.

Harris’ presidency on overall healthcare access 

Harris supported the president’s decisions in all areas; however, when it came to healthcare, she had a stronger stand. Harris has always been an advocate for reproductive rights, being the first vice president to visit an abortion provider. She, however, did not share Biden’s anti-abortion views, which he held earlier in his political career.

If nominated in August, Harris will use abortion access protection as a stronghold to fight against Donald Trump and the Republican Party as a whole.

“She will attack them repeatedly and mercilessly on reproductive rights,” said Drew Altman, the president and CEO of KFF, a nonpartisan research group. “I think it’s been a winning card for her so far, and I would expect to see her dial that up tremendously.”

Kamala Harris’ presidency might pursue broader healthcare reforms aimed at increasing access and affordability. This includes potential support for a public option, which would provide an alternative to private insurance, thereby increasing competition and reducing costs for consumers. Harris has previously expressed support for such measures, which align with the broader Democratic agenda of expanding healthcare access​.

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