
Viktor Orban, the Trump-friendly “strongman” who leads Hungary and points to “mixed-race nations” and calls for a “Europe of nation states”

During the debate, Donald Trump flaunted his endorsement from Hungarian leader, Viktor Orban


Indeed, Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary, has surely become a leading figure on the world arena in these times and in particular among the populist right. With his provocative approach to immigration and national identity, Orbán succeeded in establishing close relations with former US President Donald Trump. Highly controversial in his rhetoric and policy, recently he has targeted “mixed-race nations” and a “Europe of nation states.”

Orbán’s nationalist rhetoric

Orbán is imbued with nationalism in his political orientation and is a firm believer in the staunch defense of Hungarian identity. He then gave a speech at the Tusványos Summer University in which he controversially blamed Western European countries for “mixing with non-Europeans.” “We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race. and we do not want to become a mixed race,” he said, adding that any nation in which European and non-European people start mixing is no longer a nation. Members of far-right groups from across Europe joined the crowd. The rhetoric has widely been condemned; critics say it invokes some of history’s most dangerous ideologies and undermines the multicultural character of European society.

These comments by the Hungarian Prime Minister reflect a wider trend among right-wing leaders in Europe who wish to define national identity along ethnonationalist lines. Orbán’s determination to preserve the homogeneous character of Hungarian identity is appealing to his electorate, which considers immigration as a threat to its cultural values. Such a view is not only divisive; it is also blind to history, in which many different ethnic groups created modern Hungary over many centuries.

“Europe of Nation States”

The Europe of Orbán is dramatically different from the Union’s notion of unification and multiculturalism. He requires a “Europe of nation states,” where every state is sovereign, in charge of its borders. By that, he evokes some resonance with Trump’s populist politics, which stresses nationalism over globalism. Orbán has situated himself in the vanguard of protecting traditional European values from what he perceives as an incursion of liberal values, particularly on immigration and gender questions.

Meanwhile, Orbán’s regime had strict immigration policies, closing the gates before asylum seekers and cracking down on NGOs that supported migrants. He had framed those measures as vital to protect national security and cultural integrity and often used inflammatory language to consolidate support from his base. This has made him a highly controversial figure; his defenders praise him for his commitment to national sovereignty, and his detractors criticize him for being an autocrat.

Orbán and Trump: A very special relationship

Mutual admiration and ideological commonalities have marked the relationship between Orbán and Trump. Trump referred to Orbán as a “great leader” and has praised his hardline immigration policies, which he feels help protect Hungary from some of the dangers of immigration. In this growing friendship, Orbán has become more outspoken in American conservative circles, even pressing his agenda on how to find common cause with fellow right-wing leaders at conferences such as CPAC.

Orbán’s support for Trump’s re-election in 2024 is a natural consequence of his idea of making Hungary an ally of an American presidency that shares at least part of his nationalistic spirit. Orbán was already referred to as at the forefront of a general strategy to counter, with conservative Americans like Trump, the dominance of the liberals in world politics. His anti-globalist attitude is very congenial to important segments of American public opinion in a country whose electorate is peculiarly disaffected with the old political elites.

Impact of Orbán’s policies 

The latter have won him praise and votes at home, but have also brought criticism from abroad, from international observers, and from human rights organizations. His government has been accused of weakening democratic institutions, limiting press freedom, and silencing dissent. According to critics, his style of government is similar to that of authoritarian regimes; therefore, there has been a loss of faith in democracy within Hungary.

But the consequences of Orbán’s government reverberate outside Hungary’s borders: his rhetoric and policies inspire or influence far-right movements across Europe and even the United States. Selling a vision of national purity and sovereignty, Orbán has tapped into the inchoate sentiment among voters who feel threatened by globalization and immigration. It’s an ominous trend for the future of the European Union, as member states square off in a tough battle between national sovereignty and collective action.

Jack Nimi
Jack Nimi
Nimi Jack is a distinguished graduate from the Department of Business Administration and Mass Communication at Nasarawa State University, Keffi. His academic background has equipped him with a robust understanding of both business principles and effective communication strategies, which he has effectively utilized in his professional career.Nimi Jack consistently works round the clock as a well versed Researcher staying true to legitimate resources to provide detailed information for readers' consumption. Helping readers sort through the shaft of unnecessary information and making it very accessible.As an author and content writer, with two short stories published under Afroconomy Books, Nimi has made significant contributions to various platforms, showcasing his ability to engage audiences through compelling narratives and informative content. His writing often reflects a deep understanding of contemporary issues, making him a respected voice in his field.

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