
A Senior Citizens League expert points out what could happen to Social Security in 2033: “An increase in poverty among older Americans”

By 2033 the social security funds could be deplerd leading to cuts of social security benefits and greater poverty among retirees and older Americans


Millions of aged Americans depend on Social Security as it is an essential source of income to them especially those who have retired, disabled or otherwise unable to work. Nevertheless, a recent warning from The Senior Citizens League, a nonpartisan advocacy group centered on issues affecting aged people in America, says that this program may be scrapped. By 2033 there could be substantial cuts due to an impending shortage of finance. This will have dire repercussions on retirees. Experts from the association opine that if no modification is carried out then older Americans will face poverty increase.

What could happen to Social Security in 2033

The current labor force pays payroll taxes that mainly fund social security. But with demographic transitions such as longer life expectancy levels and reduced birth rates, the number of people employed is shrinking compared to those retired. As a result, without any legislative adjustment, it has been projected that by 2033, there will be no money left in the social security trust fund for paying out benefits.

Once it goes dry, Social Security would only pay what it receives from payroll taxes collected from existing workers. The automatic reduction of benefits is expected hence cuts may range between 20% to 25% across the board. In case there is even a slight reduction in benefits for retirees who depend on Social Security as their main income source, the outcome can be disastrous.

Impact of potential cuts on older Americans

Cuts to Social Security have the potential to disproportionately affect the nation’s oldest individuals who are more vulnerable. Presently, almost millions of elderly individuals are prevented from becoming poor by Social Security payments. If these payments were reduced by a minimum of 20%, countless such seniors may slip into poverty.

Social Security is the main or only source of income for a great portion of retirees. Based on information from The Senior Citizens League, nearly 50% of older citizens depend on this program for at least half their total revenue, while approximately 25% get over 90% of their income from social security. If these benefits were cut, survival would be difficult for these ones especially with regards to basic needs such as food and housing

Moreover it can lead to a surge in the number of poor older Americans thus over burdening safety nets like Medicaid and SNAP. There might be an increase in demand for state benefits leading to reductions in other sectors or raise in taxes so as to meet the deficit.

Possible solutions to address the anticipated cut in social security

Experts and policymakers have suggested several options to avert the anticipated cutback in financing and subsequent rise in destitution levels among senior citizens in America. One possibility is raising payroll taxes or abolishing the ceiling on taxable income so that affluent individuals contribute more to the system. Another suggestion involves gradually increasing the entire retirement age beyond the current 67-year limit because people now live longer than before.

In addition, there are proposals for changing how cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) are calculated so as to better reflect inflation rates, or establishing new revenue sources such as financial transaction tax earmarked solely for Social Security. Nonetheless, each of these solutions has its own political and economic effect, making it difficult for legislators to agree on a common approach.

The importance of planning ahead for retirees

The future of Social Security benefits is quite uncertain as a result, experts suggest that both current workers and retirees should begin to prepare for possible changes. If you are still employed, it may be advisable to consider raising your retirement savings or diversifying your revenue sources so as not to depend on Social Security payments. Nowadays, elderly Americans on Social Security might want to think about other forms of assistance or fiscal planning in order to prepare themselves against any benefit reductions.

Moreover, in this regard, the Senior Citizens League argues that knowing potential risks and preparing for them could help alleviate any anticipated changes in social security which would go a long way in ensuring economic security in future.

Enobong Demas
Enobong Demas
What I Cover I write on social welfare programs and initiatives for the United States with a focus on how these programs impact the lives of everyday Americans. I carry out thorough research on Social Security benefits, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) payments, retail trends as well as the latest news. My background in environmental sciences allows me to approach these topics with a unique analytical lens to provide my readers with a clear and well rounded insight eliminating any complexities often common on these topics.Background I graduated top of my class from the University of Uyo where I earned a degree in Forestry and Natural Environment Management with a CGPA of 4.46 on a 5.0 scale and GPA of 4.66. Although my academic background was in the Environmental Sciences, my academic excellence reflects a deep commitment to research and my ability to understand complex topics whether in the natural environment, social or economic setting.My academic experience has also equipped me with skills such as research, analysis, writing and communication allowing me to transition seamlessly into the world of Journalism. I aim for accuracy, reliability and clarity in all topics I cover at Stimulus Check to make sure that my writing is both comprehensive and informative to readers. Ethics As a writer at Stimulus Check, I strive to maintain the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in all aspects of my work. Overall, I aim to provide clear and accurate information to the best interest of my readers in all the topics I cover.

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