
Neither California nor Florida: this is the most liked U.S. state to retire in 2024

If you think California or Florida is the best state to retire in, you might want to change your mind


Retirees in the US are often interested in the best places to rest upon retiring from work. For many people, the state of California or Florida doesn’t offer that appeal. This is because Wyoming has the most retired persons in the US. While this might be a surprising choice, here is why most retired persons would choose Wyoming.

Why Wyoming is a good place to retire

Most adult citizens who decide to retire in Wyoming have had the time to think through their decision in the course of working and, as a result, have made Wyoming their choice for the following reasons:

Cost of living expenses

The cost of living in the state of Wyoming represents one of the lowest in the United States. This is backed up by reports that the state is an affordable place to live and retire, as the cost of living is about 8% lower than the national average.

Safety concerns

In addition, Wyoming provides its residents with safety, putting fears about the security of older citizens to bed by ensuring that their residents can easily receive help for their security needs. This has been made achievable by the presence of the Wyoming State Law that ensures citizens make reports to the authorities concerning concerns about suspected abuse, exploitation, or neglect of their vulnerable residents, including the elderly.

More than this, the state has its Department of Family Service tasked with protecting the elderly and the disabled. These efforts have all paid off, as the state is ranked number 10 on the list of the states with the best public safety and possesses the eighth-lowest violent crime rate in the country, according to a survey conducted by US News.


The cost of living in Wyoming is another reason the state is a good retirement destination. This relatively low cost of living is because Social Security income in the state is not taxed, and as such, older residents do not have to pay taxes on their monthly Social Security checks.

More than this, the state also does not require that its residents pay income, estate, or inheritance taxes. For many senior citizens, this allows them to keep their retirement income free from taxes.

If not Wyoming, where else?

While Wyoming has the perks that make it a good place to retire, it is not alone in the ranking of the best places to retire. Therefore, if you are seeking to explore other options beyond Wyoming, the following states would be a good fit for you.

  • Delaware
  • South Carolina
  • Florida
  • Maine
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • South Dakota
  • West Virginia
  • Alabama

These states, alongside the state of Wyoming, make up the top 10 states where most people would likely move to retire. Therefore, any of them is a good choice.

Emem Ukpong
Emem Ukpong
Hello, I'm Emem Ukpong, a Content Writer at Stimulus Check. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry, and several professional certifications in Digital Marketing—where I piqued interest in content writing/marketing. My job as a writer isn't fueled by a love for writing, but rather, by my passion for solving problems and providing answers. With over two years of professional experience, I have worked with various companies to write articles, blog posts, social media content, and newsletters, across various niches. However, I specialize in writing and editing economic and social content. Currently, I write news articles and informational content for Stimulus Check. I collaborate with SEO specialists to ensure accurate information gets to the people looking for it in real-time. Outside of work, I love reading, as it relaxes and stimulates my mind. I also love to formulate skin care products—a fun way to channel my creativity and keep the scientist in me alive.

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